Please find following part 7 of our article
Tools used to produce a broken colour or decorative effect
There are various tools used to produce broken colour/decorative effects. Some of these items are easily obtainable and inexpensive, while others are difficult to find and are not cheap. The following tools are used to create these finishes:
A natural marine sea sponge
Used for effects known as\’ sponging\’.
A wad of crumpled plastic
Used for creating effects known as \’bagging\’ and \’strata\’
Chamois cloth/leather
Used for creating effects known as \’ragging\’ and \’rag rolling\’.
Stipple brush
Used for effects known as \’stippling\’ and \’colour blending\’. These brushes come in different sizes depending on the size of the job
Flat Brush
Used for effects known as \’colour or French wash\’. These brushes are generally 75mm – 100 mm wide.
Used for softening an effect which may appear too harsh or pronounced.
Used for effects known as \’dragging\’. These brushes are used by grainers.
MetaVPiasticlRubber combs and Draggers
Used for effects known as \’combing\’ and \’dragging\’. They come in various sizes and are either plastic, metal or rubber.
Glass pallet
Used for sponging when we take paint or glaze off of the glass with a marine sponge and dab it onto the surface being decorated.
Lint free cloth or muslin cloth
Used for effects known as \’ragging\’ or \’rag rolling\’ .As an alternative to a chamois leather.
Rag roller sleeves
Used for producing a \’rag roll\’ effect. These roller sleeves are specially made with either
muslin cloth or chamois leather on the roller sleeve. Their advantage is that they can rag roll a large surface a lot quicker than using a chamois leather or muslin cloth on their own.
Please stay tuned for our next article on Decorative Finish Techniques!
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At Bloomin’Good we strive to ensure our customers have a great experience with their projects, we are here to help you. We are proud to be the leading Painters in Sydney.
For more information about any Painting and Decorating tasks please Call Bloomin’Good Sydney Painters on 1800 204 145.