Bloomin’Good Painting & Decorating


#Decorating your child's room?

by Dulux Colour Manager: Andrea Lucena-Or : Click Here to view article online

One of the most simple but effective ways of brightening up your child’s bedroom or playroom is by painting the walls. As well as positively affecting mood, it gives the opportunity to reflect your child’s personality and style.


Here are some things to keep in mind when decorating your child’s room:

  • Always involve your child when making colour decisions – do they like greens, blues, pinks?
  • What is the inspiration for their room? Colourful, Themed, Playful?


The direction your child’s room faces should always be considered when selecting colours. For example, if the room faces North then warm colours will not be ideal as they will heat the room up; however, if the room faces South, then warm colours may be appropriate. Regardless, bright colours always look great in children’s rooms.

Colour can also be broken up easily by using bold colours on the trims and more subtle colours on the walls, or splitting the colour up with a Dado Rail, Picture Rail or by adding wall decals. An accent wall is also a great way of adding colour without dramatically changing room dynamics.


When asked about decorating their rooms, children are always excited by themes. The most important thing to keep in mind is how long this theme will be suitable and current. For this reason, general themes are best, as they don’t seem to date as quickly as the latest movie or toy theme.

Here are some suggestions for general themes:

  • Circus
  • Ocean
  • Safari
  • Trains
  • Cars
  • Fairies
  • Space
  • Sports – Football, Cricket, Soccer, Netball, Fishing.


It’s always great to be able to add a place for your child to play and learn in their room. For example, a desk or small table and chairs can inspire growth and development of their drawing, writing or building skills. Remember, these furniture pieces don’t have to be dull, so why not complement playtime with bright and lively colours!

Here is a lovely muted colour combination for a child’s room:

Dulux White Swan for the Main Walls

Dulux Vanilla Ice for the Accent Wall

Dulux Seed Pearl for Trims and Ceilings

Painters Westmead, Painters North Shore
For more information about any Painting and Decorating tasks please Call Bloomin’Good Sydney Painters on 1800 204 145.

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