Bloomin’Good Painting & Decorating



Please find following part 4 of our article


The following glazes are the most widely used glazes on the market today

\"mural-001\"Water/Acrylic Glazes

These glazes are either pre tinted or they can be purchased as a clear glaze and then tinted by the painter on sight. They are often referred to by their brand names \’Colour wash\’ and \’Decorative Effects or Colour effects. \’ The colour wash variety normally have to be mixed with water and then coloured with acrylic paint or universal tinters. Where the decorative effects variety can be used straight from the can. All these products do not have to be overcoated with a clear finish ,however if they are being used on a high traffic area they should be protected with a clear finish. They do have a tendency to dry fairly quickly if used on a large area so we should employ at least two people on these jobs-one to apply the glaze and one to distress it. We could also add a retardant to the glaze.


These products can only be used on interior surfaces such as walls, ceilings, furniture,etc.

Base Coat:

Low sheen or satin acrylic.

Touch dry:

Generally 30 minutes. Refer to manufacturers recommendations.


Generally 2 – 4 hours. Refer to manufacturers recommendations.

Coverage Rate: 16 – 20 m2/litre. Refer to manufacturers recommendations.

Application Methods:

All these products can be applied and decorative finishes produced by sponging, ragging, rag rolling, stippling, combing, dragging, bagging, or a French wash technique.

Clean up: Water

Metallic, Glimmer and Pearl Glazes

These glazes are based on metallic flakes and they reflect light and can give a 3 D optical illusion. They are purchased pre tinted and in numerous colours. Again they are often referred to as their brand names. Clear finishes are not normally applied as a protection coat.


These products can only be used on interior surfaces such as walls, ceilings, furniture, etc.

Base Coat:

The metallic ,glimmer or pearl glaze is also your base coat. This coat is normally applied

by cutting in by brush and then rolling on as close to the edges as possible and then finished off in one direction. These products should be applied over a suitably coloured surface or an undercoat.

Touch dry:

Generally 1 hour. Refer to manufacturers recommendations.


Generally 4 hours. Refer to\” manufacturers recommendations.

Coverage Rate: 16 – 2.0 rn 2 llitre. Refer to manufacturers recommendations.

Application Methods:

1 or 2 finish coats are normally applied. All these products can be applied and decorative finishes produced by sponging, ragging, rag  oiling, stippling, combing, dragging, bagging, or a French wash technique. You can use your imagination to produce some startling finishes.

Clean up: Water

For more information about Marbling or any Painting and Decorating tasks please Call Bloomin’Good Sydney Painters on 1800 204 145.

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