When taking on a home renovation project there are many things that you need to consider. Once you start researching you will come across many terms, things to be cautious of, and the different types of paint available to use. The first thing you need to do to protect yourself and your family against the harmful chemicals in some paints is to always make sure your painter is using Zero VOC paint. Sydney Painters Bloomin\’Good Painting and Decorating only use paint that is 100% free of VOCs.
The term VOC, stands for Volatile Organic Compound. VOCs are numerous and varied, they include both human-made and naturally occurring chemical compounds; such compounds are typically benzene and methylene chloride. These chemicals (VOCs) are released into the air as painting occurs and the paint can still release harmful VOCs into the air for years to come.
VOCs are dangerous to your health, chemicals can enter the body through three major pathways (breathing, touching and swallowing), this is referred to as exposure. Studies have shown that some of the immediate effects of VOCs can include; eye and respiratory tract irritation, headaches, dizziness, visual disorders, memory impairment. Long term effects include; headaches, loss of coordination, nausea, damage to liver kidney and CNS and cancer.
VOCs are also harmful to the environment, when solvent based paints are used they release VOCs that evaporate into the air to form invisible vapours. When this evaporation occurs the VOCs react with oxygen and in the presence of sunlight and form what we know as bad ozone. Bad lower atmosphere ozone can damage vegetation – plants, trees, bushes. On a larger global scale using paints which contain VOCs contribute to the greenhouse effect.
For your peace of mind and the safety of you and your family be sure to use Bloomin\’Good Painting and Decorating for your next project. please Call Bloomin’Good Sydney Painters on 1800 204 145.