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#MARBLING – Part 3 Positive/Negative Method

Following is part three of our marbling article; There are two basic techniques used to imitate marble Overglazing – see article part 2 Positive and Negative Methods B. Positive/Negative Method The negative method achieves a marble effect by removing sections of an applied medium to expose the colour underneath to give more depth. The positive

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Following is part two of our marbling article; #Marbling Marble is rock limestone which has been crystallized by pressure, intense heat and slow penetration of minerals over a period of thousands of years. The wide variety of #colouring in marbles is due to the penetration of minerals into the faults and cracks in the marble.



Marbling Marble is rock limestone which has been crystallized by pressure, intense heat and slow penetration of minerals over a period of thousands of years. The wide variety of colouring in marbles is due to the penetration of minerals into the faults and cracks in the marble. Eg: Copper deposits produce green and blue/green patterns Iron

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Decorative Finishes Part 7: Tools used to produce a broken colour or decorative effect

Please find following part 7 of our article Tools used to produce a broken colour or decorative effect There are various tools used to produce broken colour/decorative effects. Some of these items are easily obtainable and inexpensive, while others are difficult to find and are not cheap. The following tools are used to create these

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Decorative Finishes Part 6: Advantages and Disadvantages of acrylic and oil glazes

Please find following part 6 of our article Advantages and Disadvantages of acrylic and oil glazes. Acrylic glazes Advantages 1. Dries quickly therefore it does not collect dust giving a cleaner finish. 2. The coating is extremely thin and for this reason gives surface flatness and smoothness. 3. Colours do not darken through oxidation. 4.

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